庆祝亚裔美国人, 夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民传统月: Honoring legacy and transportation triumphs


亚裔美国人, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month is a time of reflection and celebration, 其根源可以追溯到1977-1978年的第95届国会. This period saw the introduction of joint resolutions aimed at honoring the accomplishments of individuals from these communities. These efforts culminated in the designation by Congress of the first 10 days of May as Pacific/亚裔美国人 Heritage Week. 随后,吉米·卡特总统发布 4650年宣言 3月28日, 1979, marking the inaugural presidential proclamation for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. 多年来,随着乔治·H·布什总统(George H.W. Bush officially designating May 1990 as the first Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.

One significant aspect of AANHPI history lies in this group’s contributions to transportation, 以个人的杰出努力为例,例如 陈林秀, whose leadership and expertise were instrumental in the construction of major railroads in the United States during the 19th century. He served as the foreman for Chinese workers on projects such as the Central Pacific Railroad and the 丹佛太平洋铁路公司这是第一条服务于科罗拉多地区的铁路. It covered the 100 miles between Cheyenne and Denver, routed through the railroad town of Evans. Chin played a pivotal role in connecting the nation through these vital transportation arteries. His legacy stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit and invaluable contributions of 亚裔美国人 in Colorado and across the country, 发展现代交通基础设施.

此外,完成 第一条横贯大陆的铁路 on May 10, 1869, stands as a monumental achievement in American history. This engineering marvel not only connected the country from coast to coast but also revolutionized cross-country travel, 把时间从六个月缩短到一个星期. 12人的贡献,000 Chinese laborers to the construction of the western section of the railroad were indispensable to its completion. 尽管逆境, 包括偏见和恶劣的工作条件, 这些工人坚持了下来, 倡导公平工资和更安全的工作条件. Their resilience and determination exemplify the enduring American ideals of equal opportunity and the dignity of labor.

在AANHPI月庆祝之际,这位已故的前美国总统.S. 运输部长 诺曼·Y. Mineta 也是公认的. Mineta was the first 亚裔美国人 to serve in this position and is the longest-serving secretary in the history of the U.S. 运输部. 他于1月9日成为第14任交通部长. 25, 2001. Mineta's recognition of the significance of equitable treatment for all individuals enabled him to establish a profound link between transportation and civil rights. He shaped the transportation elements in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. He was also instrumental in shaping and passing legislation that provided restitution to Japanese Americans to redress their treatment by the U.S. 1940年代的政府.

RTD is proud to be a transit agency that holds diversity and respect as values while ensuring no one – neither employees nor customers – is discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, 州或地方法律和条例. 同时, RTD作为一个社会承认这一点, 确保多样性还有很长的路要走, 股本, 所有人的包容和归属感.

RTD encourages its employees and customers to commemorate 亚裔美国人, 夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民传统月. 参观一些当地的景点来纪念这个月,并使用RTD 澳博体育app下载 计划你的旅行. 一些机会包括:

  • 参加 科罗拉多州端午节7月27日和28日在斯隆湖. 这个免费的年度节日建立了意识的桥梁, knowledge and understanding between the diverse 亚裔美国人 Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities and the general public through cultural education, 领导力发展和体育竞赛.它以龙舟比赛为特色, 文化表演, 食品摊贩 和一个出售传统工艺品和商品的市场.

  • 探索 亚洲艺术 丹佛艺术博物馆的收藏. This collection is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the Western United States. Included are 5,000 objects spanning 4,000 years of Asian art and culture.这些藏品可以在线或亲自观看.

  • Join the Asian Pacific American Bar Association (APABA) and its collaborative partners for a special event celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month: "放大科罗拉多亚裔专业人士的声音.该活动将由AANHPI的法律专业人士组成, 业务, 房地产和政治分享他们的故事, amplifying voices and celebrating the diverse perspectives within the AANHPI community in Colorado. 

  • Participate in a stunning showcase of Japanese cultural heritage from ARCINDA (The Art and Culture of Indonesia) with a dance performance and gamelan, 打击乐团是印尼文化不可或缺的一部分, 在 山姆盖理分馆 从上午11:30开始.m. 到下午12:30.m. 5月11日星期六.

  • 探索 远东中心 in the Westwood neighborhood of Denver, recently designated by History Colorado as a historic site.

  • 探索 小西贡丹佛网页 浏览各式各样的 正宗越南餐厅, shops and cultural events that showcase the unique flavors and traditions of Vietnam. This month, there will be vendors 在 AAPI Culture Fest, from 10a.m. 4 p.m. 5月11日,周六,在McNichols市政中心大楼.

正如RTD庆祝亚裔美国人一样, 夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民传统月, the agency honors the past and recognizes these communities' ongoing contributions to the tapestry of American society. 通过他们的韧性, 独创性和坚定不移的精神, 亚裔美国人, 夏威夷原住民, and Pacific Islanders have left an indelible mark on the transportation landscape and beyond, 丰富我们国家的历史.

By 吉萨·麦克雷·西蒙斯